Sugar Craving? Why and How to Stop?

Sugar, the white crystals that we add into our drinks, cakes and sweets that add not only flavour to the food, but also weight when you step on the scales. We all know that taking too much sugar is bad for our bodies, so why do we crave more and more sugar?

Why do we crave sugar?

When we take sugar, our brains interpret the sweetness as a form of reward. Taking sugar triggers the release of the feel-good hormone (dopamine) in our bodies, which makes you feel motivated and happy. [1] This makes our brains feel good, which causes it to crave for more. In the long run, our bodies will get used to the high sugar intake, and more sugar will be needed to achieve the same feeling. This process causes our bodies to gain weight and increase the risk of diseases.

How can we fight sugar cravings?

It seems like stopping yourself from craving sugar is very hard, but it is not impossible. If you feel like you are eating more and more sweets and want to put a stop to it, there are a few ways that we can use to fight sugar cravings.

1) Do it bit by bit

First of all, fighting sugar cravings does not mean stopping yourself from eating any sugar! If you do it that way, the tendency of you eating more sugar in the end will increase. Fighting sugar cravings is a long journey, and the first step matters. “Instead of adding 3 sachets of sugar to your coffee, start the change by reducing it to 2 sachets of sugar”.

2) Make changes to your daily diet

Another way of fighting sugar cravings is by maintaining a healthy sugar level in your body. When you are eating too much carbohydrates and sugary foods, it causes a sudden spike in your blood sugar levels, which puts you at risk of further developing sugar cravings. Adding in protein and vegetables in your meals will balance your blood sugar levels. [2] Instead of just white bread, topping it up with two eggs and some vegetables could make you feel full while maintaining a healthy blood sugar level. Other than that, taking BElixz Slendglow could help in improving your appetite control, and avoid overeating.

3) Avoid added sugar

When we want to lower the risk of sugar craving, food items with added sugar would be the things that we want to avoid. Sauces, soda, bread as well as granola are foods that we need to be careful of. [3] Avoid eating too much of these processed food items, and replace it with wholesome foods like wholewheat bread, water infused with fruits, or you could even make your own sauces with healthy ingredients.

4) Choose healthier sweet snacks

In the journey of fighting sugar cravings, it is understandable that we want to eat something sweet. Otherwise, we will feel down all day long. In that case, choose better sweet foods. Fruits not only contain fructose that gives off a sweet taste, but it also gives you different vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which your body needs for better health. So, make wise choices and go for the better option. [4]

5) Savor every bite

When we talk about fighting sugar cravings, it means you should cut down the sugary food in your daily life. Instead of eating one slice of chocolate cake in just a few bites, enjoy every bite. This is because when we are not focusing on what we eat, the satisfaction would be lower

and we will crave for more.[5] Take a 30-minute break and enjoy some sweet indulgences every so often.

Fighting the craving for sugary food is never easy, and it is a long journey that requires constant discipline and willpower. Fighting sugar cravings does not mean you should stop taking sugars completely, but it means making better choices and eating in moderation.


1. Frontiers in psychiatry, 2018

2. Neuroscience & Behavioural Review, 2002

3. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine

4. Obesity Research, 2001 5. Appetite, 2019