3 Ways of Ensuring a Good Fermented Food Product

What is fermented food?

Fermented food is defined as food or beverages that are produced through controlled microbial growth and enzymatic reaction. The history of fermentation dates from 12,000 years ago, with the purpose of preserving food, improving flavour and enhancing shelf life. Now more and more research has found the benefits of fermented food in the human body. Including anti-oxidant effects, improving overall metabolism, anti-inflammatory effects and many more.[1] So how are we going to identify the fermented food product with good quality?

High Variety of Fruits and Vegetable

As we all know, we always recommend eating a variety of fruits and vegetables. This is because different types of fruits and vegetables provide different nutrients, active components for the overall health in the body. Thus, fermentation using a wide variety of fruits and vegetables will provide better health benefits compared to just single food item.[2]

Quality Control

Although there are many potential benefits in consuming fermented foods, one thing we need to take note of is the risk of food poisoning. Food safety and quality control is critical during the food preparation process, whether you prepare the food fermentation at home or during the manufacturing process. Look for certification such as Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) to ensure the quality of the product from the manufacturing process until it goes into your mouth.[3]

Long Period of Fermentation

When a food product undergoes fermentation, the food particles will naturally break down. The more the time used for fermentation, the smaller the food particles will be available for absorption. Other than that, a longer fermentation ensures that the bioactive component is well-released throughout the process and we are able to get the best of fermentation.[4]

BElixz ZENCOSO CHEWABLE BALL is a naturally fermented essence from 98 types of chosen plants, undergoing 8 years of natural fermentation while ensuring the quality of the product. Other than that, it is clinically proven to improve metabolic health, increase antioxidant effect and help in stimulating intestinal movement.


  1. Critical reviews in food science and antioxidants, 2017
  2. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 2017
  3. International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineering.
  4. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 2014