CCA Ng Geok Chern
GC worked as an Operations & Design Manager at the publishing house before becoming a housewife for her family. Her husband works abroad to earn a higher income to support the family. One day, her children called him “Holiday Daddy” and that woke her up from her comfort zone and she began to seriously look at her household crisis of having one source of income. Fortunately, she discovered the Aulora series that improved her and her family’s health. She was very interested in BE’s system complete with business opportunities. Within one year of hard work, she successfully completed all BE 9 benefits and built an international networking business. Her husband was impressed with her income with one year of hard work which was equivalent to his 20 years of work experience and thus, he decided to return to Malaysia. Her dream for a family reunion was finally fulfilled.
CCA Leong Cheat Min
Leong Cheat Min was a top student and graduated from Geomatics Engineering in UTM. She Worked in the Brunei oil and gas field for 14 years. After her husband bought her the Aulora pants, her plantar fasciitis (foot sore) which tortured her for 3 years improved after only 6 months. Because of her fantastic testimonial, she started sharing the goodness of the Aulora Pants and the BE business opportunity in Brunei and Malaysia. After 1.5 years of part-time work in BE, she is earning a beautiful 5 figure income and her network expanded well in Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, Canada, Qatar, Australia and the US. She even dared to resign from her Brunei employment life in August 2020 and returned to KL to reunite with her family.
RCCA Anson Hii
Anson Hii Post-90 Ex Flight Attendant.
In order to make more money in Singapore, I also tried my best to engage in car rental and car washing industry.
- Selling White Paper
- Used to deliver Maqnifiq Collagen in Singapore on a bicycle
- After meeting BE, went from bicycle to a Mercedes Benz
- From renting rooms to having the ability to buy his own 3 storey Semi-D
- The third SAN Galaxy Award Recipient
- Names Top Ambassador producer for 4 consecutive quarters
- Top 10 CCA AssembleTop sales Onlive achiever
- 2 years RCCA
- organization has gone to 18 countries