Yuki was born and grown in Hong Kong, she has worked in the Sales and Marketing industry for more than 15 years from Telecommunication companies, Property Agency to Advertisement & Media. She has been a business owner and a full-time housewife as well. Three years ago, Yuki decided to break her comfort zone and pursue study in Australia so that the family could have a better living environment, she is now living in Tasmania with her husband and two children.
After moving to Tasmania, Yuki foresees that the family will be running into financial difficulties when her husband lost his job owing to health or age problems, she keeps looking for business opportunities. One day Yuki encountered BE International, not only has the Aulora series improved the health of all the family members, but she was also inspired by the “One Family” culture and the marketing plan of the company. As a result, she started the business without any delay hoping that she could help other people with the BE products and the business plan.
Yuki has partners not only in Australia and Hong Kong but also in China, Canada, Britain, and the Philippines.
Christine Chew is a full-time mother who has no worries about food and clothing. She has a happy marriage and well-behaved children. She occasionally goes shopping, has afternoon tea, and travels abroad with her family several times a year. One day, when her husband was admitted to the hospital in an emergency, that’s when she realized that she also needed to protect her family. So, she decided to look for career opportunities. Many experts say that direct selling is the trend of the future, and she has gradually begun to understand the potential of direct selling. At this time, she met the golden opportunity of BE. After 9 years without work or direct sales experience, it was very difficult for her to start her career in BE. Fortunately, her mentor and upline were there to guide her, gradually transforming her into a successful leader, until she was promoted to RCCA within a short period of time, and soon, her network expanded to many countries. From someone without a career life goal to a mother who is now taking care of both her career and family, her life is guaranteed and she is not threatened by unexpected things. That is true happiness.

Ida Juliana is a graduate of the Chartered Institute of Marketing from the UK and an MBA from the University of Derby, UK. She is also known as the IRON LADY because she is a single mother to three children. She worked in a corporate company for over 18 years before having to quit her job due to Cervical Spondylosis. Later, she opened an online Muslim clothing boutique business. The business, which ran for almost 7 years, did not succeed in achieving her dreams. In fact, her available savings were depleting.
Ida was introduced to Aulora Socks and Aulora Pants and managed to lose 2.4kg in 1 week. It opened her up to learn more about the BE139 marketing system. Now, she is gradually realizing her dream.
Milanda was a famous Yoga Instructor for more than 16 years. She found out about BE products from her Upline, Sumiati Djapardi which was used for her mother who had a swollen leg, severe pain from sciatica, and pinched nerves in her L4 and L5. In 9 days, her mother experienced the healing process and she herself also experienced the products which brought her amazing quality of sleep and made her feel energized and awesome. By sharing her testimony, she believes that it is one of the ways to help more people become healthier and also gain wealth during the pandemic period where most people struggle with their income. In just 9 months Milanda has achieved all 9 benefits and become CCA.

她曾经是一位 财务及会计主管 也从事过微商与旅游直销平台。 但是并没有通过这些平达到帮助他人和实现梦想。
一次偶然让她接触BE international 与Aulora Pants加上怀孕二胎期间也通过Zenball 改善了妊辰高糖尿问题,因此他大量分享从而改写了她的人生。
GC worked as an Operations & Design Manager at the publishing house before becoming a housewife for her family. Her husband works abroad to earn a higher income to support the family. One day, her children called him “Holiday Daddy” and that woke her up from her comfort zone and she began to seriously look at her household crisis of having one source of income. Fortunately, she discovered the Aulora series that improved her and her family’s health. She was very interested in BE’s system complete with business opportunities. Within one year of hard work, she successfully completed all BE 9 benefits and built an international networking business. Her husband was impressed with her income with one year of hard work which was equivalent to his 20 years of work experience and thus, he decided to return to Malaysia. Her dream of a family reunion was finally fulfilled.
CCA Winter Ong is a principal of a kindergarten. She doesn’t like MLM at first, but she changed her mind after getting to know more about BE International. After MCO 1.0, her husband CCA Stanley, and she have achieved a house fund and bought their new car. Her husband even sold their business and full-time in BE! They achieved SRCA in 2021.
CCA Koon You and Mr. Desmond Poon jointly operated a filtered water business in Singapore for 20 years. Without any MLM experience, he introduced BE products to those around him in earnest having experienced the benefits to their health that Aulora Pants has given to him and his mother. In just 3 months, he and his wife were promoted to ECA, and in order to know more about the business, they specially scheduled time to travel from Singapore to Malaysia to meet their upline. They attained all 9 benefits in only 9 months and were promoted to SRCA in just 2 years. Their organization has also cultivated 4 DCA’s, and numerous ECA’s, RCA’s, and SA.Amb’s.
Dr. Zamalia is a retired Statistics professor at the largest university in Malaysia. In mid-December 2019, destiny tied her with Aulora Pants after it was introduced to her by her fellow lecturer.
Although skeptical at first, after she and her husband felt the effects of their health recovery after wearing Aulora Pants, and her husband recovered from a slipped disc problem after almost 2 months, she started sharing the benefits of the Aulora Series with family and friends. She didn’t think Aulora Pants would take her toward a second career path that never crossed her mind as an academician. She learned from the shared experience of the product and the marketing plan of BE139 through the BE education system. Without thinking too far ahead, she continued with the BE business. She managed to become an ECA within 5 months, and her achievement as DCA within 12 months. Her network comprises academicians, and retired professionals including doctors and public health specialists. She has qualified 3 BE lifestyle travel and her next effort is to grow the network & nurture more leaders among the professionals.
CCA Michael was in the Construction Industry for over 30 years. He was the co-founder of a Facade Construction company in 2005 before selling off his shares to invest himself fully in BE on 1/1/2021.
One of his projects, the Tabung Haji Convention Centre in Sepang, won him a Platinum Award from MIIP (Malaysia Interior Industry Partner) for Best Interior and Exterior Covering and was featured in the magazine TOP 10 of Malaysia.
CCA Michael completely changed his mindset after the Melbourne trip (SV5 2019) to seriously look into the BE Business platform. Since then, his achievements are as follows:
DCA in SV7 2019
CCA in SV11 2021
TOP 10 CCA ASSEMBLE Q1 in 2022
Qualified all BE lifestyle travel to Melbourne / Dubai / Turkey / Shanghai / Osaka/Seoul /Taiwan /HK-Macau
Mary is a co-owner of an IT training company and she has been operating this business for 24 years. She graduated from NUS with a Bachelor of Science (major in Economics). Being in IT industry leader, she is also actively involved as the key strategist person in engaging Microsoft.
She was first introduced to Aulora Kodenshi pants which have helped her to reduce her varicose veins issues and knee cap pain.
She saw BE International as her 2nd lifelong career and the potential to help others to have a career beyond just another job. Today her network is in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, and Sri Lanka!
Hidayah or better known as Hid is a mother to 4 amazing kids. She has been in this online business industry for close to 11 years. A huge breastfeeding advocate & has been assisting mothers in their breastfeeding journey. Her platform aims to promote breastfeeding and empower & inspire more women to indulge in self-care.
Started doing BE full-time in July 2021 & since then has successfully unlocked all her 9 bonuses in 14 months!

Ivy is a mother of 2, with 11 years of working experience in the insurance industry. Although Ivy worked part-time with zero experience in MLM, she successfully completed the BE 9 benefits. She was an achiever in the Top 10 Ambassador Producers in the 3rd Quarter, year 2020 and Top 3 CCA Assemble in the 1st quarter of 2022, and Top 1 CCA Assemble in the 4th quarter of 2022
Her husband was working in the corporate world for more than 15 years and was anti-MLM before this. He started to look into the BE marketing plan after a BE campaign trip with her. Now, both of them work full-time in BE. They have grown their network across many countries.
一位勤力的媽媽因想產後瘦身而認識BE International,同時間也通過上線瞭解BE的機會和倍增市場的潛力。 憑著“先相信,後看見”的信念,再加上新市場蘊藏無限商機,她毅然決定在香港開啓BE事業和開拓新市場。 雖然在前期需要耗時不斷摸索,但她從未覺得挫敗和膽怯,因爲她相信通過BE公司的全力支持、上線的用心栽培和效果顯著的產品一定讓她會成功打開香港市場。 事實證明,她和他的團隊做到了,並且開始闖出香港! 以前的她不善言辭;現在的她口齒伶俐並自信地領導香港團隊屢創佳績。 對她而言,沒什麽是在BE不能完成的! 在BE,從一位專業設計師變成自信的香港頂尖領袖,她就是第一位香港的RCCA Sylvia Ho

My name is Fatimah, from Solo, Central Java, Indonesia. People also know me as Imma Bulan.
I am a professional photographer, makeup artist, and makeup trainer. During the pandemic, all my businesses came to a halt and the economic situation became challenging. I met Areej, my upline, who was promoting a food business at the time because many people knew me from my profession, and I was helping small entrepreneurs to survive during the pandemic. I believe that by empowering others, we can strengthen ourselves.
Because of an approved endorsement, I saved Areej’s WhatsApp number, and that’s when I discovered Aulora Pants. From there, I learned about the amazing products from BE and started getting involved in the business, although I had some initial doubts. In the first month, I became an Ambassador, in the third month, I became a Sapphire Ambassador, and in the fourth month, I qualified for Osaka. By the end of 2022, all my debts were paid off. At the beginning of 2023, I focused more and qualified for Korea. What I am most grateful for is that I can now start saving for the down payment and installments of two houses, all thanks to the bonuses from BE International.
He is a former Assistant Engineer that has never believed in the MLM business. But having understood the huge potential in MLM, He goes all out to strive for his dreams! That is earning passive income and obtaining time freedom for himself and his family.
He has been doing the MLM business full-time for more than 10 years with his wife now. He is one of the founding leaders of BE International and an International leader to his network group in Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia & Melbourne.

After working for 7 years in an international oil & gas company, she resigned to focus on looking after her 2 children while doing an online business and teaching Newborn Care Classes.
She’s always looking for opportunities to support her family financially, and that was when she was introduced to Aulora Pants and BE139! After her knee and back pain, weight, and measurement were reduced with Aulora Pants, she started to share the benefits to family, friends, and even strangers!
In her first month in BE INTL, she triple rank into RCA. In just 8 months in BE INTL, she completed all the 9 Benefits including the Car Fund and House Fund, and became a Senior Crown Crown Council Ambassador!
DK Siti Nasrun Hibayati is a mother of 2 children. Before getting married, she worked for 10 years as a car saleswoman and managed to become a manager in the car sales industry. After getting married, she quit her job and started an online business, and eventually opened a boutique selling fabrics and clothes for girls. She first got to know of BE in 2020 after looking for a business opportunity because her initial business was in trouble during Covid-19. In the process of it, her income at BE has opened her mind to see her future with BE. With hard work, she managed to obtain the Car Fund in the 5th month, secure the House Fund, and became an SRCA in the 8th month! Now, she has a network in Brunei, Malaysia & Indonesia. She believes that will only feel true victory if we succeed in helping more people.

He bought Aulora Pants for his mother of his first of it, and after wearing it for two months, his mother’s foot pain and strength issues miraculously improved. She felt more energetic when climbing stairs, squatting, and walking.
Because the whole family experienced significant health improvements from wearing Aulora Pants, he started sharing this business opportunity.
Being an introverted person, he worked as an auditor and IT salesperson before becoming a full-time BE (Business Owner). His work experience made him realize that he was merely building other people’s dreams instead of pursuing his own.
Having witnessed his parents’ hard work to make ends meet, he desired a better, more flexible, and more meaningful life. He made a commitment to himself to exert maximum effort in changing himself to provide a comfortable life for his family.
After meeting his mentors, RCCA LAI KEE VUI and LEE WAN SIAN, he embarked on a network marketing journey with BE International. Through BE, he changed the lives of many people, improving their health, beauty, and wealth. He also successfully achieved the 9 major benefits offered by BE and never missed out on qualifying for all the BE Lifestyle Travel.
He proved that “Choice is more important than effort!”
Let’s give a warm round of applause to DCA See Chee Yong!!!
Pauline, who graduated from Curtin University in Australia, chose to start a business after being an employee for a few years. She did bridal makeup for 7 years, run a beauty salon business for 4 years, and a bridal shop for 2 years plus has made her exhausted and she had no time freedom. Although she earned a lot of money, she lost time, freedom, and health! When she learned that the BE business can duplicate time and income, and even expand internationally, she did not hesitate to go all out and work full-time in BE International! She and her husband were promoted to CCA within 8 months and soon after, promoted to RCCA within 20 months! Before that, they were driving a local branded car but now, they are driving a Super King and a Mini Cooper. They can even afford a three-storey semi-detached house! Their network has expanded overseas, including Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, Australia and other countries. With the BE 6 Pillars, she has transformed from a busy businesswoman to a female entrepreneur with extraordinary freedom and successfully build one RCCA under her.
Vivian Lai is a homemaker who has been in this role for 22 years. Due to hearing impairment, she has always been introverted, shy, and lacking in self-confidence.
Initially, she delved into learning about AULORA Pants because she discovered that this miraculous garment could improve her mother’s rheumatoid arthritis. Since then, she has extensively studied the benefits of AULORA Pants and hopes to use them to help people around her improve their health.
She carefully studied the “BE 1-3-9 Strategy” marketing plan explained by her upline, Esther Lim, and was further motivated by the opportunity to travel for free through BE Lifestyle Travel. She eagerly looked forward to a year when she could travel with her whole family.
In just two weeks, she fought for 14,000 points, achieving the rank of Ambassador and qualifying for numerous BE Lifestyle Travel trips. What made her proud and happy was successfully securing a trip to Osaka, Japan, and bringing her entire family of 11 people along.
She is extremely grateful and happy that through the “BE 1-3-9 Strategy,” she qualified for all nine major rewards of BE within two years, including the car fund and housing fund!
Vivian Pang has been a homemaker for 13 years. Previously, she worked as a medical representative for a multinational company and so has extensive knowledge in that field.
Later on, she began wearing AULORA Pants upon her upline’s recommendation and experienced for herself their miraculous effects. Recognizing the potential of the BE business, she didn’t hesitate to start her entrepreneurial journey with BE. She believed that BE’s unlimited potential could provide a better quality of life as a passive income for her and her family. Furthermore, the BE opportunity could not only change her own life but also the lives of many other families.
Currently, her monthly income with BE is equivalent to what she earned in over two years of work. She even became a Top 10 Ambassador Producer in the first and third quarters.
She is also a Top CCA Assemble Achiever in the second and third quarters of The Challenger 2.0. At BE, her dreams have been awakened, and her potential and talent have been discovered! Now, nothing can hold her back. She is CCA Vivian Pang!
Alex Lye was a former Country Manager for an international advertising agency based in Shanghai, China. He returned to Malaysia to start up his own business in Apparel Manufacturing and import-export. He owns 2 outlets of a famous Dessert Franchise here in Malaysia. Although owning multiple businesses, he has time to build his BE business because BE amazed him with its products, system and opportunities. He is determined to help more people from the health and wealth perspective. And during the pandemic, his team grew over 500% in the last 5 months and has helped over 50 people achieve success in his network around the region.
Khairul Naim is a Senior Project Manager with over 22 years of experience in the international and local financial industries. He had tried his hand at numerous enterprises, but he had been unable to escape the endless rat race.
After observing his wife successfully develop a network and generate a four-figure income in the first month at BE, he decided to participate in BE activities. Khairul resigned from his position to pursue the BE opportunity full-time in less than two years. Now, he and his wife are expanding their network and achieving their goals and dreams.
Sumiati Said, 62yrs old, a Kinesiologist, Certified Sound Therapist, Developmental Kinesiology Practitioner and a Bal -A-Vis Trainer (SEA). and a Biogeometry Practitioner.
She runs a center for children with learning challenges and children with special needs in Spore.
She started her journey with BE International during the pandemic in April 2020.
She bought the Aulora pants to improve the varicose veins she developed because of the frequent traveling and long hours standing during overseas training. Not only her varicose veins improved her back was strengthened despite the long hours spent cooking for four families.
She started the massive sharing benefits of the Aulora series at her center and across her network since 2020.
She received her CAR FUND and HOUSE FUND and thus completed her 9 BONUS in 15 months.
She is also the Top 10 Sponsor for Challenger 2nd Quarter 2021.
Someone who travels a lot she sat her eyes n focus on the travel campaign n has bagged two tickets for Osaka (twice), Shanghai, and Seoul & Turkey
She has cultivated so far;
2 RCCA’s
3 SRCA’s
2 CCA’s
6 DCA’s
In her network
Nasir formerly worked in a pest control technology company. He also worked as a storekeeper, a dispatch rider, a delivery driver, a personal driver cum investigator and a taxi driver. At first, he started with BE only as a product user because he had a gastric ulcer problem for 45 years and a slip disc problem. His family members, like him, were also users of BE products. After looking at BE’s family culture, opportunities and the marketing plan of BE 139, he and his wife focused on growing their big dream, duplicating the results of their uplines and systems in BE. Today their network is still growing around the world.