Ray Yip from Hong Kong now lives in Singapore, has worked as a high-end fashion design manager, and has been in the apparel industry for 15 years. After he came into contact with BE, he began to share BE health products, and he also witnessed the improvement of various health problems of friends and family members. Now we are working hard to build our own business and team, and our global members have more than 10 countries.
Cheah Seng Yee graduated with a Master’s Degree in Construction Engineering Management from the UK! She worked as a quantity surveyor, and she was responsible for many large-scale construction projects. Regardless she couldn’t feel any joy or satisfaction of success, only stress. With close guidance from her upline, she became an ECA in just three months, her income exceeds five digits. Even though without any experience in MLM, within two years, she completed her RCCA

Mariam was a property agent n and her husband is a successful businessman selling aircraft spare parts. both had very successful careers and they led very comfortable lives. However, after understanding the greatness of BE’s products and the opportunities available in Network Marketing, she didn’t hesitate to take radical action to capitalize on the opportunity. Today she is one of the founding leaders at BE and has spread her network internationally.
Mariam dulunya merupakan seorang Agen Properti yang sukses dan tidak pernah percaya pada MLM. Suaminya adalah seorang pengusaha sukses yang menjual alat gantian Pesawat, dan mereka memiliki kehidupan yang sangat berkecukupan. Namun, setelah memahami kehebatan dari produk BE dan peluang pertumbuhan eksponensialnya dalam Pemasaran Jaringan, beliau secara serius mengambil TINDAKAN besar-besaran dan bekerja keras untuk menjadi model yang menginspirasi bagi jaringannya. Hari ini beliau adalah salah satu pemimpin paling awal BE dan telah meluaskan jaringannya secara internasional.
Surya is the Indonesia Business manager and has experienced more than 10 years in MLM Industry.
Surya adalah Manajer Bisnis Indonesia dan memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun di Industri MLM.
DCA Thai Oktavia Yanapa
She is the mother of 3 teenage sons, she helps her husband’s business which is retail and distribution of motorcycle variations. Despite being young, having a good business, and an established life, she has thought about how to retire early with happiness, health, wealth, and time freedom without having to look after his shop all day. And she sees BE business opportunity as the best and can make her dream come true.
- August 31, 2021 – Ambassador
- 29 September 2021 – Diamond Council Ambassador
- SV10 #2 Top Ambassador Producer
- SV11 Car Fund Qualifier
- SV12 #9 Q1 Top Ambassador Producer
Ia adalah ibu dari 3 orang putra yang masih remaja, ia membantu usaha suaminya yaitu retail dan distribusi variasi sepeda motor. Meski masih muda, memiliki bisnis yang bagus dan kehidupan yang mapan, suaminya telah memikirkan bagaimana pensiun dini dengan kebahagiaan, kesehatan, kekayaan, dan kebebasan waktu tanpa harus menjaga tokonya sepanjang hari. Dan ia melihat peluang bisnis BE adalah yang terbaik dan bisa mewujudkan mimpinya.
- 31 Agustus 2021 – Ambassador
- 29 September 2021 – Diamond Council Ambassador
- SV10 #2 Top Ambassador Producer
- Kualifikasi Car Fund SV11
- Top Ambassador Producer SV12 #9 Q1
Mario Hon was a marketing manager in an international bank. He realized that traditional annual salary increments and promotions meant that it would be impossible to achieve his goals. After learning how Direct Selling was capable of generating a passive and sustainable income, he diligently worked to expand his BE business, and his efforts yielded results in just a few years! Now Mario has successfully cultivated 15 RCCAs and many top leaders!
Mario Hon bekerja sebagai manajer pemasaran di sebuah bank internasional. Namun, dia menyadari bahwa dia tidak bisa mengandalkan promosi atau gaji untuk mencapai ambisinya. Belakangan, ia menemukan bahwa penjualan langsung adalah platform bisnis terbaik abad ini, dan mampu menghasilkan pendapatan pasif dan berkelanjutan! Dalam industri penjualan langsung, ia mampu mempersingkat kerja keras 30 hingga 50 tahun menjadi hanya 3 hingga 5 tahun, dan meraih mimpinya secepat mungkin! Dia sangat rajin mengembangkan bisnis BE, dan usahanya akhirnya membuahkan hasil hanya dalam beberapa tahun! Hari ini, Mario, yang memiliki 12 tahun pengalaman penjualan langsung, masih memiliki tekad yang tak tergoyah untuk terus mengembangkan bisnis BE dan membantu orang lain mengubah hidup mereka. Dia telah berhasil mengembangkan 15 RCCA di jaringannya dan banyak pemimpin sukses yang telah mencapai hasil yang baik dengan menjual produk!

CCA Wong Tze Hung
I joined BE in April 2018 because my husband & I decided to wear Aulora Pants to maintain our posture and health. I started sharing since then and was promoted to CCA in September of 2018, and SRCA in March 2020.
My ultimate goal is to help my team members to achieve financial freedom and to pursue their dreams through BE career.
A former Assistant Engineer that never believed in the MLM business. He changed his mind when BE allowed him to earn a sustainable passive income while obtaining more time for himself and his family. Now he is one of the founding leaders of BE International and an International leader of his network group in Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia & Melbourne.
Afiqah is a 33 year old Marketing & PR executive by day and a BE International DCA by night. She enjoys staying active and is an advocate for healthy living. She truly believes in Aulora Pants with Kodenshi as it was what solved her dependence on Panadol and other painkillers for her excruciating monthly cramps. Her dream now is to achieve the rank of RCCA by July 2023.
RCCA TY Low TY was an outstanding student who returned to Malaysia after obtaining a Bachelor of Law from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth in the UK. He was also one of the top eight most outstanding students in Malaysia. Despite all that, five years of hard work left him with no social life and even put his health at risk due to the pressure. By coincidence, he went online and was introduced to his BE career. The rest is history.