DCA Siti Suzilah
DCA Siti Suzilah Faharuddin graduated in Regional & Town Planning from the University of Queensland, Australia and her MBA was from Universiti Teknologi MARA UiTM, Shah Alam. She has been working in the government and private sectors before she resigned in 2015 and became a homemaker. She is married and is a mother of three lovely daughters.
CCA Jenny
Sebelum BE, Jenny aktif menjalankan Direct Selling selama 9 tahun dan memiliki butik pakaian. Beliau mulai memakai Aulora Pants pada akhir Oktober 2018 dan celana tersebut telah membantunya mengurangi sakit punggung dan menguruskan badannya. Sekarang beliau berkecimpung dalam bisnis BE International karena beliau merasa sangat gampang menjalankan Bisnis di BE, “Buka Mulut, Buka Toko. Mudah dijalankan dan bonusnya juga mudah dilihat.” Bonus 1 tahun beliau di BE sama dengan 9 tahun di penjualan langsung sebelumnya. Di BE beliau sudah punya jaringan yang besar , Di Taiwan, Singapore, Kuala lumpur dan beberapa kota besar Di Indonesia.

CCA Leong Cheat Min
Leong Cheat Min was a top student and graduated from Geomatics Engineering in UTM. She Worked in the Brunei oil and gas field for 14 years. After her husband bought her the Aulora pants, her plantar fasciitis (foot sore) which tortured her for 3 years improved after only 6 months. Because of her fantastic testimonial, she started sharing the goodness of the Aulora Pants and the BE business opportunity in Brunei and Malaysia. After 1.5 years of part-time work in BE, she is earning a beautiful 5 figure income and her network expanded well in Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, Canada, Qatar, Australia and the US. She even dared to resign from her Brunei employment life in August 2020 and returned to KL to reunite with her family. Now, her husband a mathematics expert DR Lee also join her full time in 2023. They are now top recruitment CCA in BE.
CCA Wong Tze Hung
I had been a white collar for 14 years. I worked in Enrst & Young and British High Commission before I started my career in sales. Initially I joined BE in April 2018 as me & my husband Dr Au decided to wear Aulora Pants to maintain our posture and health. We both found that Aulora pants had tremendously improved our health so I started sharing since then. I was promoted to CCA in September of 2018 (6 months time) and SRCA in March 2020. My ultimate goal is to help my IBOs to be healthy and enjoy financial freedom through BE platform.

DCA Richard Tan
他在BE突破了人生最高的5位数收入!合格DCA!合格了汽车基金!还合格无数次BE Lifestyle Travel!
CCA Gavin Leong
Gavin Leong从20岁开始从事IT业务。之后,他还投资了10家分店的餐饮业务。他是个敢于冒险,遇到任何好机会,他都会立即掌握并尝试突破。当他意识到 BE 是一个存有许多机会的在线全球业务时,他决定放弃了所有生意,全职于BE全职工作。

CCA Brian Ong
不爱读书、没文凭、沒毕业证书的Brian Ong在16岁开始出来社会打拼。他曾到过新加坡赚钱,也曾与父亲一起过生意,但生意遇到种种难关,最后结业,继续做打工族。后来,他遇到BE和他的伯乐,就是RCCA施国生,人生开始转变!以前,他以为没有学历和口才只能靠劳力过活,但是在BE的系统教育熏陶下,他成功合格九大利益和成为CCA。
RCCA Anson Hii
Anson Hii 90后 Ex 空服员 也自己在新加坡为了赚多一点钱也努力试过从事租车和洗车行业 -传销白纸 -以前是骑脚踏车在新加坡送Maqnifiq Collagen -因为遇见了BE 从骑脚踏车变成Mercedes Benz -从租房间直到有能力自己买了3 story Semi- D -第三届SAN Galaxy Award 得主 -连续4 个Quarter Top Ambassador producer – Top 10 CCA Assemble – Top sales Onlive achiever 2 years RCCA – 组织去了18 个国家

DCA Angie Wong
Wong Bee Yan毕业于一间美国大学的营养系,希望学成归来后可以帮助更多人透过良好的生活习惯及摄取足够的营养获得健康。
她经营了有机食品店铺的生意22年后才发现,单靠食疗不足以让现在生活忙碌的人们更健康,所以她不断寻找优质的保健品,知道她遇见BE International。 BE推出的高科技产品及无限的创业商机吸引了她!在MCO期间,她居然关了自己经营了22年的有机店,全职于BE,而且还晋升为DCA,月收入更突破了5位数!她坚信透过BE可以帮助更多生命,让他们变得更健康,甚至改变他们的一生!
CCA Lee Ching Siew
辛苦那么多年她依然没有汽车.. 走路、搭车做生意..
她知道她一定要改变, 她一直在寻找一个机会
她3个星期后就将所有生意档口关掉.全职直销 – 她当机立断!
这时候她遇见了 #BE国际
BE 6大支柱和创办人的使命让她热血沸腾!

RCCA Loh Soo Hau
Loh Soo Hau曾担任工程师2年,后来担任销售经理,拥有长达16年的电子行业销售经验。虽然他的月收入已达5位数,但说到底他还是替人打工,所以他想自立门户。可是,创业资金和同业竞争让他却步。后来,他遇到BE,一个让他创业的圆梦平台。他兼职BE事业1年后决定辞职,走出自己的舒适区,全职于BE!虽然他的直销经验不多,但因掌握了139的精髓和遵循BE系统教育,在14个月内扫完BE 9大利益,26个月晋升为RCCA!
RCCA Aries Chua
Aries Chua是一名单亲妈妈,因生计而开始做电召司机,也不忘提醒自己不可安逸现状。后来,遇到上线和BE是她人生的转捩点。在BE拼搏三个月,收入达五位数;6个月内就获得BE的9大利益。其实,她觉得从事BE并不难;没钱养活自己和孩子们,又要面对残酷的现实生活才是最煎熬!
Aries Chua is a single mother who started out as an on-call GRAB driver because of her livelihood, and she always reminded herself that she cannot be at ease. Later, after meeting her upline and BE, it became a turning point in her life. After three months of hard work in BE, her income reached 5 figures. In 5 months, she obtained the 9 major benefits of BE. In fact, she felt that it was not difficult to engage in BE at all. Having no money to support herself and her children was the most difficult reality of life she had to face!
CCA Rohaida Abu Hassan
Seorang graduan Business Administration drpd UIAM dan mempunyai 2 cawangan tadika di Kajang.
Bimbang penutupan tadika yg berterusan akibat pandemik yg melanda pada 2020 memaksa beliau mencari plan B dan menjumpai peluang yg begitu hebat di BE International.
Beliau berjaya membuka kesemua 9 tabung di BE dalam masa 2 tahun, dan melayakkan diri ke BE Lifestyle Travel Osaka, Shanghai, Seoul dan Turkey. Beliau nekad menjadikan BE International kerjaya seumur hidup beliau.
RCCA Alex Gan
RCCA Alex Gan was a sales manager with 10 years of experience in the engineering industry. He was responsible for large-scale projects. Even Legoland and branded mall airports need his company’s products. At first, he had no interest in the direct selling industry at all, until he saw the changes with his wife and his income in BE far exceeded his income from working for 10 years. Later, he heard a sentence in a session with BE, “No matter how hard you work, the income from part-time work will not be higher than that of the boss; but the income in BE can surpass your upline”. He decided to resign and commit 200% with his wife to work hard in the BE career. With no direct sales experience, he was promoted to RCCA, and not only did he build his network in Malaysia, but expanded overseas as well to more than 20 countries, and it continues to grow to this day!
RCCA See Kok Sen
过去的See Kok Sen是一位没有学历,没有口才,也没有人脉的年轻人。虽然能力不强,他依然相信只要肯努力就一定会有出人头地的一天。可是,努力打工了10年,始终看不到未来。在机缘巧合下,认识了直销事业,也看到这门事业的魅力,所以就下定决心,要通过这门事业改变人生。因为选对平台,再加上不断的努力及改变自己,他在BE努力19个月就晋升为RCCA!他的名言:“不要用现在的您来决定您的未来;相信您自己,可以创造无限可能”。
In the past, See Kok Sen was a young man with no education, no eloquence, and no connections. Although his abilities were not strong, he still believed that as long as he was willing to work hard, he could surely get ahead. However, after working hard for 10 years, he still couldn’t see the future. By chance, he got to know about the direct selling business and saw the charm of this business, so he made up his mind to change his life through this business. Because of choosing the right platform, coupled with constant effort and changing himself, he was promoted to RCCA after 19 months of hard work in BE! His famous words: Don’t use your present self to determine your future; believe in yourself, you can create infinite possibilities.
RCCA Chris Bong
Chris Bong是在贫穷环境中成长的孩子,所以她知道要努力才能过上更美好的生活。她可以像牛一样勤力地工作,因为她知道能力不如人,就要比别人更加努力。她经营的生意从民宿到销售业,之后徒手开办宠物美容院,每一次她都亲力亲为,付出一切,但却找不到她要的生活平衡,而且还失去健康,以及与家人相处的时光。此时,一件神奇的Aulora裤子让她看见了希望和未来的方向,后来,她加入BE后的的热诚和快乐感染了她的丈夫,丈夫决定与她一起打拼这番大事业,发挥夫妻的200%力量。她说一个人的成功很孤独,所以她要一群人与她一起成功。18个月的努力奋斗换来华丽大变身,也晋升为RCCA!
Chris Bong grew up in a poor environment, so she knows that it takes hard work to live a better life. She had to work harder and more diligently than others because she understood that her ability was not as good compared to other people. She ran businesses from sales to homestays and then opened a pet beauty salon on her own. Every time she did everything by herself, she couldn’t find the balance of life, and she also lost her health and time with her family. At this time, the magic of Aulora Pants made her see hope and direction for her future. Soon after, her enthusiasm and joy of joining BE reached her husband. He decided to work hard with her in this big business, and they dedicated 200% effort to BE.
For her, succeeding alone is a lonely journey, so she wants a group of people to rise with her. 18 months of hard work resulted in her magnificent transformation and promotion to RCCA!
RCCA Desmond Yeoh
Desmond Yeoh is a mechanical engineer who went to Singapore to work for a good salary, starting at SGD 1,800. After 18 years of working in Construction Project Management in Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Pharmaceutical and Refinery industries, he was promoted to manager and his salary reached 5 digits! However, after 18 years spent in corporate life, he lost his father and realised that life is unpredictable. Health is priceless and the most important thing in life is TIME. Once it is gone, it will never come back! His “”ideal life”” was shattered by his wife’s income as his wife was just a housewife and hasn’t worked in 10 years! When her 1 year of effort in BE achieved greater income than his salary of 18 years, he was totally impressed by the powerful network of BE! Now, he is working full-time in BE, and together with his wife, they utilize 200% of their efforts to hear the plight of more people! For the past 2 years in BE, their network cultivated a number of CCAs, DCAs and Council Members.His “”ideal life”” was shattered by his wife’s income as his wife was just a housewife and hasn’t worked in 10 years! Her 1 year of effort in BE achieved greater income than his salary of 18 years; he was totally impressed by the powerful network of BE! Now, he is working full-time in BE, and together with his wife, they utilize 200% of their efforts to hear the plight of more people! For the past 2 years in BE, their network cultivated a number of CCAs, DCAs and Council Members.
Beliau seorang jurutera mekanikal yang bekerja di Singapura demi gaji yang lumayan, bermula dari SGD 1,800. Selepas 18 tahun bekerja dalam Pengurusan Projek Pembinaan industri Minyak & Gas, Petrokimia, Farmaseutikal dan Kilang, beliau dinaikkan pangkat sebagai pengurus dan gajinya mencapai 5 angka! Namun, setelah 18 tahun menghabiskan masa dalam kehidupan korporat, tahun 2011 beliau kehilangan ayahnya dan menyedari bahawa hidup memang tidak dapat diramalkan. Kesihatan tidak ternilai dan perkara yang paling penting dalam hidup ialah MASA. Setelah masa lepas, ia tidak akan kembali lagi!Kehidupan idealnya”” dihancurkan oleh pendapatan isterinya kerana isterinya hanyalah seorang suri rumah dan tidak bekerja selama 10 tahun! Usaha selama 1 tahun di BE menjana pendapatan lebih lumayan daripada gajinya selama 18 tahun; beliau benar-benar terharu dengan pembinaan rangkaian BE yang kuat! Pada tahun 2019, beliau buat putusan lepaskan pengurusan korporat, Dan bekerja sepenuh masa di BE, dan bersama isterinya, mereka menggunakan 200% usaha untuk bantu rangkaian dan ubah kisah hidup lebih ramai orang!
RCCA Frederick Ho
Frederick Ho is a Masters Degree holder and was a part-time lecturer when he was in his late thirties. He was the General Manager of Mercedes Benz in Melaka and had been working in the Corporate world for over 40 years. The industries he had worked with were sales, banking, automotive, education, property investment and management. In 2019, he left his 9 to 5 full-time job with a 5-digit monthly income to pursue the BE career together with his wife Chris Bong. By Feb 2020, they achieved their RCCA status in BE. They were also the Annual Top 3 Ambassador Producers for 2019/2020, the Annual Top 4 CCA Assemble for 2020/2021 and also the Annual Top 5 Presidential Club Winner of The Challenger 2.0
Together with his wife, they are committed to share better health and career success with people through BE.
Frederick Ho ialah pemegang Ijazah Sarjana dan merupakan pensyarah sambilan ketika berusia tiga puluhan. Beliau ialah Pengurus Besar Mercedes Benz di Melaka dan telah bekerja di dunia korporat selama lebih dari 40 tahun. Industri yang pernah beliau kerjakan adalah penjualan, perbankan, automotif, pendidikan, pelaburan harta tanah dan pengurusan. Pada tahun 2019, beliau meninggalkan pekerjaan sepenuh masanya dengan pendapatan bulanan 5 digit untuk meneruskan kerjaya BE bersama isterinya Chris Bong. Menjelang Februari 2020, mereka mencapai status RCCA di BE. Mereka juga merupakan Top 3 Ambassador Producers Tahunan untuk 2019/2020 serta kempen Top 4 CCA Assemble Tahunan 2020/2021. Bersama isterinya, mereka komited untuk berkongsi kejayaan kesihatan dan kerjaya dengan orang lain melalui BE.

RCCA Elva Lo
RCCA Elva Lo曾在一家知名廣播電台公司工作8年,任職為副總裁助理。她監督著媒體銷售部,並與眾多的香港名人合作無間,以配合客戶的營銷和推廣。在這一個舒適愜意的工作環境中,她沒想到她自己會和丈夫Kit一起全職於BE并建立組織。他們倆人擁有相同的方向和目標,并且對BE事業充滿信心,相信這擁有巨大的市場潛力和全球商機,最終會成為世界未來大趨勢。她起初只是兼職於BE,但她在第一個月就晉升為DCA;不到一年的時間,她就橫掃BE的利益!盡管現在大家都受到疫情衝擊,她的組織還是能開拓到國際市場,還成功栽培 5位優秀的RCCA和無數的CCA領袖。如今,他們的BE業務發展勢如破竹,在全球各地擁有超過2萬名組織成員。”
Elva Lo was an Assistant Vice President for a famous pay TV station for more than 8 years. She led the Hong Kong TV station media sales team, coordinated with many Hong Kong celebrities in collaboration with her clients’ marketing and promotion. Working in a such a star-studded and comfortable environment, she never thought that she would end up as a full-time Network Marketer in BE together with her husband Kit. Both of them have the same direction and goals, and are both confident in the BE business, which will be the world’s future trend with huge market potential and global business opportunities that remain untapped. Despite starting off as just a part-time, she achieved her Diamond Council Ambassador rank in her first month in BE. In less than a year she unlocked all the bonus benefits offered by BE! In spite of the global pandemic, their network was able to expand faster and stronger to the international market and they have cultivated 5 outstanding RCCAs under their network and a great number of CCAs from different countries. The couple is now running a thriving networking business with over 20 thousand members worldwide! Elva’s belief is “Build your own dreams or someone else will hire you to build theirs!
CCA Chai Chee Keat
他是毕业于会计系,也拥有家族事业,所以可以不愁出路。他上线让他明白健康重要性,通过产品找回自己和家人健康。过后,他也了解正统传销发挥的魅力能获得时间自由和财富自由,全力在BE拼博。他成功横扫BE 的9大利益,也成功建立自己的团队。他就是CCA Chai Chee Keat

CCA Yap Koon Choong
KC 畢業於電子工程系。 14年前的第一份工作就進入了美國企業 R&D 部門擔任一名電子設計工程師,起薪約RM3400。他是一位對工作認真、肯付出和有夢想的年輕人。每天早出晚歸,週末依然加班。然而,這些全都沒有加班費,更因此忽略了自己的健康。
KC Yap graduated from Electronic Engineering. His first job was as an electronic design engineer with a starting salary of about RM3400 in a US company 13 years ago. A young man who was serious about his work, he was willing to work hard and had a dream. He did not see the Sun as he went to work in early mornings and got off work in late evenings, and he even worked overtime during weekends without OT claim. But, when a global financial crisis struck, he was laid off by the company and his dream was shattered! His sister knew that he was unemployed and was looking for opportunities, so she introduced direct sales to him. The income with BE in the first month exceeded the income in his previous company. He earned five figures which was equal to five times his previous monthly income from a part-time job, in less than a year. In less than 2 years, he achieved all 9 benefits of BE and became a CCA! He thinks that success in BE does not depend on how good you are, but depends on whether you are still there!
RCCA Cheah Seng Yee
Cheah Seng Yee係英國建築工程管理專業畢業的碩士優等生!畢業後佢成為一名工料測量師,負責許多大型的建設項目,但生活沒有幸福反而充滿壓力。後來,在她上線的指導下,没有销售经验, 她於短短的三個月內就晉升為一名ECA,收入超過五位數。兩年內成為RCCA。
Cheah Seng Yee is a top student who graduated with a Master’s Degree in construction engineering management in the UK! She is a quantity surveyor, and she had been working for a development company in Miri, Sarawak, in Malaysia >7 years. She has been responsible for many large-scale construction projects, but she can’t feel the joy and satisfaction of success. In exchange, there was only more pressure and lesser time to spend with her family. Later, with close guidance by her upline, she became an ECA in just three months, and her income exceeded five digits. With no connections and experience, she was successfully promoted to RCCA within two years due to the perfect systematic education of BE, and her organization is spread all over the world!
DCA Jacqueline Bong
DCA Jacqueline是一名家庭主妇。曾在银行上班, 也曾5年全职传销,再回到职场。在新加玻打拼了20多年。8年前因为健康问题 她决定放弃事业 专注家庭 陪伴女儿。直到2018年6月 她小妹Chris送给了她一件Aulora Pants 从此她的生活就因BE而变得多姿多彩了!她连续获得9次的VVIP海外旅游及合格4年汽车基金和20年的房屋基金!她的组织更是发展到了全马,新加坡,印尼,意大利等国家。
RCCA Ooi Tze Inn
RCCA Ooi Tze Inn #前保险从业员(百万圆桌MDRT会员)
在保险业的她虽享有高收入, 因为开拓人脉的压力及对孩子忽略的内疚。
一条 #AuloraPant 只穿了一晚, 他的失眠情况奇迹般的有所改善 , 因此她开始了她的BE之旅
抱着感恩,归零,谦孙,诚实和努力, 让在短期内成为RCCA,组织还栽培两位RCCA