Macrophages are the immune system’s superheroes. They are a type of white blood cell that helps to protect our body against dangerous invaders such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and so on. To ensure that macrophages work effectively, it’s important to provide them with sufficient nutrients such as:
- Consumption of IP-PA1 demonstrated macrophage activation and protective effects against infection, allergy and cancer.
- It is not only effective in preventing and/or improving immunity against various diseases but also in preventing immunosuppression due to stress. [1]
- IP-PA1 is believed to cause an improvement in allergic dermatitis by normalizing the immune system balance. [2]
- IP-PA1 has been shown to greatly boost macrophage activation when compared to beta-glucan, with a 1,000 times more effective in macrophage priming.
Vitamin C
- Vitamin C helps in the production and activation of macrophages, stimulating their ability to swallow and destroy pathogens. [3]
- It enhances neutrophil migration, phagocytosis, and microbial killing at the infection site.
- It has the potential to prevent and treat respiratory and systemic infections by improving immune cell functions.[4]
Beta Glucan [5]
- When beta-glucan is recognized by macrophages, it triggers them, enhancing their immune response.
- It stimulates immune responses, such as phagocytosis and proinflammatory factors production, to eliminate infectious agents.
BElixz SHIRUTO is a uniquely developed product that combines the power of IP-PA1, Vitamin C, and Beta Glucan, resulting in a synergistic blend of immune-boosting nutrients. Make a choice to prioritize your immune health with BElixz SHIRUTO ! With BElixz SHIRUTO , you can begin your journey to a stronger immune system.
[1] Anticancer Research, 2011
[2] Anticancer Research, 2009
[3] Mediators of Inflammation, 2014
[4] National Library of Medicine, 2017
[5] BioMed Central, 2019