Hall of Fame | 名人榜(SV5‘2023 – SV6’2023)
🎖 🎖Congratulations to all the Crown Council Ambassador (CCA) & Diamond Council Ambassador (DCA) in SV’5 – SV’6,2023! The sky’s the limit when you BElieve in helping those around you prosper!
Weekly Meeting August 2023
MALAYSIA HYBRID ZOOM LINK (TUES, WED) https://zoom.us/j/91774573678?pwd=cTBkNVJUbDE3eFlneDhrOTBxUjAzUT09 SINGAPORE ZOOM LINK (WED) https://zoom.us/j/96448759502?pwd=MHZmSkp3Mjc3WHJRTDZTQ1hTVk42Zz09 HONG KONG CANTONESE ZOOM LINK (MON) https://zoom.us/j/93913634592?pwd=U2NoTG1mOC9EU01tMllxVU9UVjlUdz09 INDONESIA ZOOM LINK (MON) https://zoom.us/j/92180623010?pwd=Zm14V29oSzFBUWg4WllJR0xWSllLZz09 ECA YUKI TANG Yuki was born and grown in Hong Kong, she has worked in the Sales and Marketing industry for more than 15 years from Telecommunication companies, Property Agency to […]