Weekly Meeting October 2022

MALAYSIA HYBRID ZOOM LINK (TUES, WED, THURS) https://zoom.us/j/91774573678?pwd=cTBkNVJUbDE3eFlneDhrOTBxUjAzUT09 HONG KONG CANTONESE ZOOM LINK (MON): https://zoom.us/j/93913634592?pwd=U2NoTG1mOC9EU01tMllxVU9UVjlUdz09 INDONESIA ZOOM LINK (MON): https://zoom.us/j/92180623010?pwd=Zm14V29oSzFBUWg4WllJR0xWSllLZz09 CCA WINTER ONG CCA Winter Ong is a kindergarten principal. She wasn’t interested in MLM when she first met BE. But after she noticed the impact of the pandemic on her education career , she […]